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Women's Issues and Organizations

find out about issues affecting women on all paths...

It is important that women speak to each other and that we speak out about the issues that affect us. Here are a few organizations which can help us to communicate our thoughts, needs and hopes for a better world...to the world.
I have also included links to some health resources at the bottom of the page.


Guys, I'm going to rant here, so you might want to skip this part.
I understand that politics isn't everyone's cup of tea.
However, there are a lot of very vocal organizations that do not represent the views of the majority that are gaining political power today.
The religious right wing is over represented and by not taking action to stop them, we are allowing them to gain power over us.
This page is not only for Pagan women, but for all of us. The ideals here stand not only for Pagan women, but for any minority group that the masses ignore or discount. We all have a lot to lose if our entire government is (over) run by upper-income W.A.S.P men. Even women in other countries may be adversely affected by the political clout of U.S. leaders.
I urge every woman to study the issues facing us today, make informed decisions and vote for what you believe in. But get out there and VOTE! Be heard!
Even if you disagree with my beliefs, support the organizations and candidates that best represent what you really believe in.

Let's begin with a look at the Constitution, which includes the Bill of Rights and the Amendments. Then, I will list the most well-known political parties, more or less in order from right wing to left wing. After that, you will find some organizations with information that may be important to you, especially if your rights are being violated.
The health information links are at the bottom of the page.

Constitution of the United States of America

(I chose this Constitution website because I clicked on the last link on the list. If you go there too and look the site over, you should be able to figure out why.)

Now for the political parties...

The Constitution Party (former U.S. Taxpayers Party)

(Methinks it would be hard to get more right wing than this without feathers or a direct modem line to *GOD*.)

The Republican Party

The Reform Party

The Democratic Party

The Green Party

The Libertarian Party

The Socialist Party

The Communist Party

The Organizations...

The advocates of individual rights since 1920 - the A.C.L.U.

The American Civil Liberties Union (A.C.L.U.)

(Gee, lawyers with ethics, what will they think of next?)

The National Organization for Women (NOW) homepage

The League of Women Voters homepage

Witches Against Religious Discrimination (W.A.R.D.)

Learn about ecofeminism

Working For Change is a social activism site. They have news and pictures about current social and environmental issues facing the world today, as well as feedback links, services from companies that are dedicated to working to make positive changes in the world and so on.

Check out Working for Change

Finally, you've come to the Women's Health Section. There are some links to sites for specific needs, then the Maiden, Mother, Crone section, where there are general sites you can look to for information according to the stage of life you (or the person who needs your help)are in.

The American Cancer Society

National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations

Planned Parenthood

HIV/AIDS - Project Inform

The American Heart Association

The National Osteoporosis Foundation

* Maiden, Mother, Crone *


Environmental Issues and Information

Paganism Information and Networking Sites

Mortality rates are higher for males than they are for females. By voting age, women outnumber men and the ratio of women to men becomes greater as we age. So if there are more women able to vote, why are so many men being elected?