Witch Way? Pagan Links


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About Me

I finally found a friend at work who could scan a picture for me, so this is the most recent picture of me that looks decent. It was taken in the latter part of autumn, 1999.


Merry Meet Everyone,
I don't really look like this anymore, but I don't have a digital camera or a scanner, so I don't have a recent picture or anything that looks even remotely witchy. Sorry. I just happened to think of looking on the local newspaper's site, and I'm using the picture that went with my column when I used to work there. At least you can see that I'm a real person, and (hopefully) you can tell that I'm not a guy in drag or a teen ager. I'm a few years older now, and I've cut my hair short and dyed it red. Anyways...
I decided to make my site as informative as possible. I thought that I could best do that not by throwing a bunch of my opinions at you, but by providing you with links to experts and professionals.
So, this is my attempt at a reference resource. That is why I've included descriptions with many of the links. There are millions of websites out there, tens of thousands in the Pagan realm alone, I bet.
That is a far cry from when I couldn't find even one book about Wicca on the store shelves (back in the stone age in a small town). Still, it is a daunting task to find the right information, especially if you are looking for something specific.
In doing the research for this site, I found the Ecofeminism sites, and I'm really intrigued by them because they tie three things that I am passionate about together - Paganism, the environment, and women's rights.
I waffle between using the terms Wiccan and Witch. I've met people who say they study Wicca but don't consider themselves witches. I've met "old school" witches who pooh-pooh Wicca. Maybe I don't fit completely under either label. Sometimes I just say I'm Pagan and don't elaborate.
At any rate, I hope that everyone enjoys my site and that it can be helpful to many people.
Merry Part and Blessed Be!
Rainbow Zend

Knight Pointing Left

Welcome to my cyberhood! (Yes, I made that word up.)
